Illustration and fictional renderings

I started like most people just sketching and playing with my imagination on paper, my facination was originally with the art of cartooning and of course the subject as a schoolboy had to be bikes.

Given time, like most things in life, you get better at it and your eye tunes in to the features of the world around you that both inspire and beguile the viewer.

Munchkins Snowman

It's great to see finished work, but a lot of stuff never gets used and most illustrators-designers end up throwing away 10 times more than they'll ever see in print. I very much enjoy the chance to illustrate from a purely fictional perspective greeting cards are available for some of the pieces, please contact for details

Devising the characters for the Conti "Attack" promotion was great fun and allowed me a good opportunity to push my ability with the Wacom graphics tablet, combining photographs with drawn from scratch images

Copyright © 2009 Patrick Keen